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TOP 7 SimplBooks software updates in 2020


2020 has coming to an end, so we decided to summarize our year in SimplBooks. In general, we had a great year of interfaces because most of our major updates were new interfaces. Namely, we came up with 7 new interfaces. But the year also included other important updates that make our customers’ lives easier! The TOP 7 updates in 2020 for SimplBooks are:

1. Comparative reports

Comparative reports mean, at least in the context of SimplBooks, an additional option related to accounting reports. An additional option is to compare the selected period with previous years or to divide the selected period into shorter logical periods such as year, quarter, month or week. Automatically calculated changes (amounts) occur for selected shorter periods or earlier years. The cherry on the cake is that in SimplBooks you can also combine these two comparisons!

2. Swedbank Gateway interface

The Swedbank Gateway interface provides the option of automatically importing a bank statement into SimplBooks. The transactions for previous day are automatically imported into SimplBooks every night and appear in the banking transaction import view. The bank transactions import view is now more conveniently accessed via the company dashboard page, which provides an overview of the number of pending (unsaved) bank transactions and a brief preview. Besides, payment orders can be sent to the bank via Swedbank interface, which must then be confirmed in the Internet bank.

3. SEB Baltic Gateway interface

You can activate the SEB Baltic Gateway interface directly with the bank in SimplBooks. The SEB Baltic Gateway interface currently includes just the automatic import of a bank statement into the SimplBooks environment. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to send payments to the bank via the interface. Nevertheless, payment orders can still be downloaded as a file and uploaded to the bank.

4. LHV Connect interface

We have also added the possibility to interface LHV bank accounts. It means that when you activate the LHV Connect interface, the transactions recorded in the LHV bank accounts will automatically reach your SimplBooks environment. All you have to do is to confirm the transactions. In the near future, we will definitely add the option of fully automatic confirmation, with no need to record new transactions yourself.



5. Telema EDI interface

Telema EDI interface is made for for small manufacturers or resellers who need to supply products to large retail chains. With the Telema interface, in addition to e-invoices, sales orders, delivery notes and confirmation sheets can also be sent in machine-readable form.

6. WooCommerce, Shopify and PrestaShop interfaces

SimplBooks has interfaces with Shopify, PrestaShop and WooCommerce (WordPress) online store platforms. This means that it is now possible to import the orders from online stores directly to the SimplBooks. However, these are semi-automatic interfaces, which means that online orders will not automatically appear in the SimplBooks. The SimplBooks users will have to press the import button. The users can import the orders to SimplBook at any time convenient to them, for example, every morning, noon and night.

7. New dashboard

We supplemented the company overview page with several new graphs and tables and made the overview configurable by the user. And every user of the company, who has the right to see the company overview, can shape this view according to his / her interests.


After big updates, we started with webinars in spring 2020. During the year, we conducted 7 webinars on various accounting topics in SimplBooks. For example, how to set up your SimplBooks account, how to send invoices, how to set up your dashboard in SimplBooks, etc. The webinars are currently only in Estonian language. You can watch SimplBooks webinars on our YouTube channel SimplBooks Eesti.

In addition to many updates, we have grown our team to 10 members this year! In 2020 joined us a software analyst Koidu and a software tester Mered.

We also have Strongest in Estonia 2020 label.


In conclusion, 2020 at SimplBooks has been very successful and we do everything we can to provide the best for our customers. New year, new major updates! :)

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