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New user interface in SimplBooks

I’m happy to announce that as of today, we’ve made the final switch to the new SimplBooks user interface (UI). This means that it is now no longer possible to switch back to the old user interface. That option was intended as a temporary mitigation measure to give you, the user, time to get used to it and, in case of possible errors, to still do the necessary work through the old user interface.

Of course, this does not mean that our work with new UI has ended and it will remain as it is now. There is still a lot of fine-tuning to be done in the new UI, for example in terms of mobile views, as well as general changes in the appearance of different views and the arrangement of elements. It was not wise to make all the changes in the new UI before the old one is turned off for good, because that would mean a lot of double work.

So why did we change the UI (look) anyway? I will point out two main reasons here and try to explain them.

Technical innovations and a modern look

Various related services and technological possibilities around us are in constant development, and in connection with this, our customers’ expectations of us have also increased over time. In terms of ease of use and automation, we try to lead the way rather than lag behind. Today we are not quite where we want to be, but we are moving in that direction.

Keeping up with the times on the technical side is manifested in software capabilities and general security and ease of use. Not that old technologies are bad, but also in the field of IT, every product/service/technology eventually reaches the end of its life cycle, after which, for example, security updates are no longer offered.

There are also several aspects behind the more modern look. On the one hand, aesthetics, but on the other hand, functionality, which has already been thought through when developing the appearance. Setting views, support for mobile devices, dark mode (coming soon), etc.

Preparations for future developments

When developing the new user interface, we already thought about the new planned functions and how they would fit and be convenient to use, and how to make the existing functionality more intuitive and personal.

There are many ideas still waiting to be implemented, and that is largely thanks to you, our dear user. We probably won’t be able to implement all the ideas and it is not reasonable to implement some very specific ideas, but we thank you for your feedback anyway. What I can say today is that many different integrations with external systems will definitely be added to SimplBooks and the CRM part will be expanded, for example. Smaller additions will be made in various places.

Our vision today: the most automatic and user-friendly software!


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